Research news

Dr. Sander Lamballais Tessensohn!
We are super proud of Adams Lab member Sander! Last week he successfully defended his PhD thesis, “Shaping the Brain: Causes & Consequences of the Changing Brain Across the Lifespan.”

Tavia Evans receives grant for women in science!
We can proudly announce that Adams Lab member Tavia Evans has received the Incentive Grant for Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math 2021 from NWO (The Dutch Research Council).

Let’s MAMBO: Multivariate Analysis and Modelling of multiple Brain endOphenotypes
Adams Lab member Natalia Vilor-Tejedor recently published an interesting article in the Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal.

New grant awarded!
Hieab Adams and his colleagues have received a grant for their research for a better understanding and diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders.

Review on genetic influences on hippocampal subfields published in Neurology Genetics
Adams Lab member Natalia Vilor-Tejedor recently published a review on genetic influences on hippocampal subfields, an emerging area of neuroscience research, in Neurology Genetics.

Hieab Adams wins Erasmus MC Fellowship!
We can proudly announce that Hieab Adams won the Erasmus MC Fellowship.

Cortical regions of interest GWAS published in Nature Communications
A genome-wide association study investigating the genetic underpinnings of cortical brain structures was recently published in Nature Communications.

BDNF gene variants and hippocampal subfields
Natalia Vilor-Tejedor recently led a study in which they investigated whether there is an impact of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on the volumes of the hippocampal subfields in cognitively unimpaired individuals, as well as whether there exists an interactive effect with the APOE-ε4 the genotype.

Head size and cancer share genetic pathways
Maria Knol and Hieab Adams recently co-led a joint effort between the CHARGE and ENIGMA consortiums investigating the biological pathways underlying the size of the human head.

Subcortical GWAS published in Nature Genetics
The GWAS of subcortical brain structures, led by Claudia Satizabal and Hieab Adams, was published in Nature Genetics!

JPND working group statement published
The publication “Full Exploitation of High-Dimensionality in Brain Imaging: The JPND working group Statement and Findings” is was published at Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring.

New R package launched by SandeR Lamballais
Sander has worked on an R package that facilitates analyses of vertex-wise data of brain MRI’s segmented with Freesurfer. This package will make vertex-wise analyses more accessible and furthermore allow more complex analyses than current software. Great job!

Partha Haldar submits grant for UNITED consortium extension in India
Dr. Haldar currently in the process of applying for a call for proposal for the BRICS Countries (Brazil, Russia India, China and South Africa). He is working on a proposal with collaborators from India, Russia and Brazil along with UNITED Consortium, to create a harmonized data storage and image processing pipeline for high-dimensional imaging markers from neuroimaging data in these countries, and also to generate population-specific brain maps for neurodegenerative diseases and identify commonalities and distinctive features compared to other populations.

Paper on cognition genes published in Aging
Recently, our paper on the neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative effects of the previously identified genetic variants for general cognitive function was published in Aging!

Literature of all published imaging studies in neurodegeneration research
A major undertaking, led by Natalie Terzikhan, to perform a review of all neuroimaging studies published in the field of neurodegeneration. Over 25,000 publications are in the process of being reviewed.

Telorism data processed for 35.000 scans
A fresh batch of MRI scans have been processed by Tavia Evans to obtain measures of orbital telorism. With this, we will be able to answer a variety of questions regarding correlates of telorism in the general population.

Submission of three abstracts to ESHG
Congrats to the team on getting three abstracts submitted to ESHG. Fingers crossed!

Elizabeth Loehrer obtains Leading Fellows grant!
We are extremely happy to announce that Dr. Elizabeth Loehrer obtained the Leading Fellows grant to strengthen our lab. Elizabeth obtained her PhD from Harvard University in oncology and will be working on determining the feasibility of applying induced pluripotent stem cells in a population-based setting. Looking forward to having you here next year!S
Outreach news

Dr. Sander Lamballais Tessensohn!
We are super proud of Adams Lab member Sander! Last week he successfully defended his PhD thesis, “Shaping the Brain: Causes & Consequences of the Changing Brain Across the Lifespan.”

Tavia Evans receives grant for women in science!
We can proudly announce that Adams Lab member Tavia Evans has received the Incentive Grant for Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math 2021 from NWO (The Dutch Research Council).

Hieab Adams promoted to Associate Professor
We can proudly announce that our principal investigator, Hieab Adams, has been promoted to Associate Professor.

Letter to parliament on science funding
Pleading for more funding dedicated to Open Research.

Call for collaborators in the UNITED consortium
Call published in The Lancet Neurology marks official launch of the UNITED consortium to the wider academic public.

Sander visiting scientist Harvard University
Sander Lamballais visits the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health to work on ‘brain age’.

Visiting scientist Dr. Pawlak
We’re delighted to receive neurologist Dr. Mikolaj Pawlak to our group thanks to a European grant.

Maria presents at Cognomics conference
Maria presented her work on gene expression in relation to cortical structure at the Cognomics conference.

QDECR software at Human Brain Mapping conference in Rome
Sander Lamballais presenting his QDECR software package to interested participants of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) conference in Rome. A lot of positive feedback illustrating the need for easy-to-use software for analyzing vertex-wise data!

Journal club on machine learning in clinical prediction
Sander Lamballais presented a controversial paper showing no benefit of (complex) machine learning over logistic regression when predicting clinical outcomes.

Defense of p-values published in Nature
Nature published a correspondence titled “Stats: a trillion P values and counting” by Hieab Adams, in response to the recently repeated call to ban null hypothesis significance testing, the watered-down version of p-value banning.

Acceptance abstracts to ESHG 2019
All three abstracts submitted to ESHG were accepted! One oral presentation by Hieab Adams and two posters by Natalie Terzikhan and Tavia Evans.

Prize for Hieab Adams at Talent Day 2019

Interview on Radio1 Nieuws & Co
An interview with Hieab Adams on Dutch national radio on the new funding possibilities by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan.

Hieab Adams receives prize at Talent Day 2018
Social news

Oh what a year!
For the first in a long time, we were finally able to meet up again as a lab in real life.

End of summer kayak trip
Every now and then it’s important to clear the heads and relax a bit. So the Adams Lab team went for a nice paddle at Outdoor Valley just outside of Rotterdam.